Form for Refusal to Receive Covid Vaccine


Refusal to Receive COVID-19 Vaccination

Refusal to Receive COVID-19 Vaccination


I have been advised per CDC and NYSDOH that I should receive the following vaccines: COVID-19 Vaccine
I have read the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Vaccine Information Statement(s) explaining the vaccine(s) and the disease(s) they prevent located throughout the webpages: and

I have had the opportunity to discuss the statements and have my questions answered by a healthcare provider. I understand the following:

• The purpose of the need for the recommended vaccine.

• The risks and benefits of the recommended vaccine.

• I understand that I cannot get COVID from the vaccine.
Nevertheless, I have decided to decline the vaccine above. My reason for declining the vaccine is:
I know that failure to follow the recommendations about vaccination may endanger my health, and the health of others I may come in contact with should I become infected.

I know that I may re-address this issue with my health care provider at any time and accept vaccination in the future.

I acknowledge that I have read this document in its entirety and fully understand it.
Clear Signature