For family members and loved ones of an individual who has dementia, one of the most difficult obstacles can be realizing and accepting that there is a problem. This is why it is so important to be aware of the warning signs of Alzheimers disease and to know when to go get help and to see a medical professional for this condition. Although every case of Alzheimers disease is different and every person progresses differently with this disease, there are a number of common warning signs that can let you know there may be some cognitive difficulties forming.
It is important to remember that Alzheimers disease is a serious condition; it is not a normal part of aging. This is why it is important to pay close attention to these warning signs and to be able to determine when serious problems are presenting themselves and when certain actions or inactions are simply a result of forgetfulness. One of the primary ways to determine if a serious issue is forming is when symptoms gradually increase and start to become more prevalent. If this is the case then you may have a serious problem on your hands. Remember, if you have noticed some signs and symptoms of Alzheimers disease then you will want to quickly make an appointment for a consultation with a primary health care provider for a more accurate diagnosis.
Here are some of the top warning signs of Alzheimers disease that may indicate there is an issue forming:
- Confusion. When an older individual begins getting easily confused about the time or place, where they are or how they got there, then this may be a sign of Alzheimers. This involves more severe confusion than just needing the rules of a game re-explained.
- Memory loss. This is often one of the most recognized warning signs of Alzheimers disease. When an individual is unable to recall recent events, remember names of familiar people, or remember new information after it is explained to them, then this is cause for concern. Forgetting the name of a friend from the past or the recipe for a certain meal is usually common in aging adults.
- Change in mood or personality. Consistent mood swings, suspicious behavior, anger, or disinterest in their normal hobbies or activities are all signs of cognitive issues.
- Struggling to complete daily tasks or familiar actions. This can mean struggling with getting dressed in the morning or taking a shower.
- Signs of poor judgment that are not in line with the individuals normal behavior.
- Difficulties with puzzles, tasks or mental challenges such as puzzles, or simple addition.
- Difficulty with completing thoughts, sentences or words and struggling to find or use the right word in conversation. This can also mean difficulties with understanding and following directions or orders.